Award of contract IC KR 2.1
June 28, 2021
Country: Kyrgyz Republic
Project Title: Health Caravan (Kyrgyz Republic)
Selection method: “Individual Consultant Selection”. (“OИК”IC)
The tender participant to which the contract was awarded: Makhotin Maksim Aleksandrovich, Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Name of the contract: Development of legal and technical documentation for operation of road trains “Karavan zdoroviya (Health caravan)”
Number and date of contract signing: IC KR 2.1, June 16, 2021
Contract price: 3750 USD
Duration of contract execution: deadline for contract execution is December 31, 2022
Brief description of services: Development of legal and technical documentation for operation of road trains “Karavan zdoroviya (Health caravan)”