Award of contract IC KR 3.2.1
June 17, 2021
Country: the Kyrgyz Republic
Project Title: Health Caravan (the Kyrgyz Republic)
Selection method: “Individual Consultant Selection”. (“OИК”IC)
The tender participant to which the contract was awarded: Omurova Zarkyn Namirovna, the Kyrgyz Republic
Address: the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek
Name of the contract: Development of training materials, conducting lectures and practical exercises on basic issues related to all types of work during the primary examination of the population
Number and date of contract signing: IC KR 3.2.1, June 07, 2021
Contract price: 750 USD
Duration of contract execution: from the moment the contract is signed until July 20 2021
Brief description of services: Development of training materials, conducting lectures and practical exercises on basic issues related to all types of work during the primary examination of the population