October 5, 2022

The Republic of Tajikistan

Mobile diagnostics COVID-19 (Republic of Tajikistan)

Contract “Procurement of 5 mobile sanitary epidemiological laboratories (MSEL) with biological safety level BSL-3, delivery to the final user”.

Contract Number ICB MD RT 2.1

The Republic of Tajikistan has received Grant financing from the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development (EFSD) toward the cost of the “Mobile Diagnostics COVID-19 Project (Republic of Tajikistan)” and it intends to apply part of this proceeds toward payments for goods under the contract “Procurement of five mobile sanitary-epidemiological laboratories (MSEL) with biological safety level BSL-3, delivery to the final user”.

The Foundation for the Prevention and Control of HIV and other Infectious Diseases “AIDS Infoshare”, acting as Project Implementation Unit (PIU), now invites sealed bids from eligible Bidders for the supply of 5 mobile sanitary-epidemiological laboratories (MSEL) with Biosafety Level BSL-3.

Bidding will be conducted through the International Competitive Bidding procedures as specified the Procurement Policy for projects financed by the EFSD (last update on November 2018), the Procurement Procedures for projects financed by the EFSD (last update on November 2018), posted on the EFSD website (https://efsd.org/en/about/documents/policies_and_procedures/), and the Bidding Documents.

Bidding is open to all bidders complying with the eligibility criteria as defined in the Procurement Policy and meeting the following qualification criteria as defined in the Bidding Documents:

Qualification Criteria:

  • Bidder’s annual turnover of at least $2.5 million in 2019, 2020, 2021 annually;
  • Have experience of not less than 3 (three) years in similar field (field of supplying similar to requested goods) and not less than 2 (two) successfully completed contracts for the supply and setting up of similar (in terms of equipment range) mobile medical complexes in the mountainous regions of EAEU and Central Asian countries. The amount of each contract must be at least $1 million;
  • have experience in serial production of a model of medical equipment proposed for delivery not less than 12 (Twelve) months before the date of bid opening;

Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information and inspect the Bidding Documents in PIU office from 12:00 till 16:00 (Moscow time) from Monday till Friday at the address given below.

A complete set of the Bidding Documents in English and/or Russian may be obtained by interested eligible bidders upon the submission of a written application to the following email address.

Upon receipt of the application, the Bidding Documents will be sent to interested parties via e-mail.

Bids must be delivered to the address below on November 09, 2022 before 15:00 p.m. (Moscow time). Bids will be opened at the address below immediately upon the expiry of the specified period. Bids received upon the expiry of the specified period are considered to be late, are not opened, and are returned to the relevant applicants.

Applicants, who have submitted their Bids, may send their representatives acting on the basis of a power of attorney to attend the opening procedure.

All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security in the amount and in the form specified in the Bidding Documents.

Contact Information:

Name of PIU: Foundation for the Prevention and Control of HIV and Other Infectious Diseases “AIDS Infoshare

Address: office 350, h. 77,Yuzhnobutovskaya street, Moscow 117 042, Russian Federation

Contact person: Stepan Kanakin, Larisa Bazhilina

Tel/fax: +7(495)715-70-84

E-mail address: healthcaravan@inbox.ru

www-addresses of official websites: Recipient (https://medt.tj/ru), EFSD (https://efsd.org/en/) and PIU (spidinfosvyaz.rf/ru/main).